Delivery to your q-commerce customer within 30 minutes!

Ready to offer the fastest and most environmentally sustainable delivery alternative to your q-commerce customers?

Start with foodora today!

  • Improved customer experience

    Improved customer experience

    Your customers get their products incredibly fast with foodora as delivery alternative - in a sustainable way.

  • Support for your local shops

    Support for your local shops

    The products are sent to your customer from your local shop that is in the customer's area. This is how we can guarantee incredibly fast deliveries.

  • Sustainable deliveries

    Sustainable deliveries

    All our operations are climate neutral and most of our deliveries are with bicycle or electric bicycle. We are proud to be the most sustainable alternative on the market.

how does it work?


The customer is shopping as usual in your e-shop and chooses us as a delivery alternative


The order gets sent to the local shop or storage that is closest to the customer and has the purchased items in stock


Our rider picks up the order at the shop or storage


Our rider delivers the order directly to the customer within 30 minutes!

Collaborate with us

Ready to offer foodora as a last mile delivery option and take your e-commerce to the next level? We are here to help if you have local shops or storage close to your customers.

Register your interest in the contact form to the right and we’ll reach out to you soon.

    About foodora

    foodora was founded in 2014 in Munich, Germany, and is owned since 2015 by one of the largest Q-commerce companies in the world, Delivery Hero.

    Our customers get access to restaurant food, groceries, electronics and everything else they need in their daily lives – delivered in a quick and sustainable way.